On the occasion of the International Day of University Sport (IDUS), Mongolian Student Sports Federation (MSSF) hosted the “University Sports and Volunteers” Forum in a conference hall at the “Citi” Institute in Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sports (MECSS) in September 20th of 2017.As an active member federation of the FISU, MSSF has started celebrating the IDUS in the scope of organizing various events in collaborating with the member federations, governmental organizations and higher education institutions besides fostering the FISU initiatives since 2016.

More than 30 volunteer students from 8 universities gathered to participate in the forum while they learned about university sports and Universiade Games as well as other precious knowledge connected to the volunteer duties and student capacities. Volunteers, who worked for the 11th WUC Archery 2016 in Mongolia and 6th AUC Men’s Basketball 2016in Mongolia, shared their experiences with other students.

Mr. Batsaikhan Kh., Vice President of MSSF and working group member of Education Committee FISU led the forum and other delegations from MECSS and universities attended. When Mr. Batsaikhan Kh., was delivering an opening speech to the participants, he highlighted “… the goal of the forum is to educate volunteer students, to improve awareness of university sport among students and to celebrate IDUS throughout Mongolia”. Also, he gave information about world university sports history, FISU history, Universiade, and at the end Mongolian delegations participation and achievement for the 29th Summer Universiade in Taipei.

In terms of the Forum Program, following presentations were performed on the first session of the day: presentation on the FISU history and Universiade Games, general report on the participation of Mongolian delegations for the Summer Universiade 2017, and information about FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy in Kazan. During the Forum, Tamir J., student at the University of the Humanities, who was involved in the FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy in Kazan, Russia in July, performed the presentation on his participation for the international event and additional recommendations. Sarantuya B., MSSF staff presented about WUCs and AUCs was held in Mongolia, volunteers’ participation and their duties, and some technical methods to work for the international events.

On the final session of the day, general background information around participation of volunteers and their responsibilities for the WUCs and AUCs were held in Mongolia was introduced at the beginning. Then, a lecture on how we select volunteers for the international events, how we assign volunteers duties, and how to examine them depending on the positions was presented. Lastly, the panel discussion ended with the great experiences, and valuable recommendations from some volunteers who worked for the international events as well as building a “Student Committee” under MSSF, its duties and mission.

Therefore, many students expressed their impressions on the discussion, the forum’s significance, and IDUS brought them unforgettable memories in their university life. At the end of the Forum, MSSF awarded the best volunteer students, presented certificates, and got memorial photo taken with all the participants. Khaliunaa B., Sodtsetseg D., and Ariunzaya O were awarded the “Best Volunteer” as result of their active participation for the MSSF international events.

This year, MSSF celebrated auspiciously the IDUS by organizing “University Sports and Volunteers” Forum, some sports games in the universities, interview and conferences around university sports at the level of local and capital city.

Mongolian Student Sports Federation