Ulaanbaatar – In November 2015, the General Assembly of UNESCO decided to annually to celebrate 20 September as International University Sports Day (IDUS).

The International University Sports Federation (FISU) has supported this initiative and has been celebrating this day since 2016 in collaboration with its member federations, government organizations and universities.

In the past, the Mongolian Student Sports Federation (MSSF) celebrated this event as an Asian university men’s basketball championship in 2016, “University sports and Volunteers” forum in 2017, National strategic dialogue in 2018 and a “Universiade lesson” in 2019 was organized.

Despite the difficult situation in the world, the FISU encourage on the federations, universities and organizations to organize various events in their own way according with the safety regulations put in place in counties.

For the 5th year MSSF host IDUS 2020 AUSF Run Challenge with the motto “We are together” in collaboration with the Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO, FISU and AUSF. Run challenge held on 20 September at a distance of 19,92 meters relay race at the National Garden Park in Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia.

Since there are no local Covid-19 cases in Mongolia, the State Emergency Commission of Mongolia allowed this event to be held to inspire the sports spirit among students. MSSF’s volunteers checked the temperature of all the participants, disinfected their hands and provided first aid.

All 60 participants from 12 universities took part this great events. Universities participate in a team of 4 students (one of them is a female) and 1 coach from each team. The Gobi-Altai Medical school of the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences team will represent provincial universities (fairway more than 1000km) and the rest will be represented by teams from the largest universities and colleges of Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia. More than 200 spectators and cheerleaders joined to this celebration IDUS in Mongolia.

According to regulation, 1 student-athlete will run 4,980 meters. In relay race form, the following students will run the same distance, and 4 athletes will test their speed at a distance of 19,92 m. The MSSF provided all athletes a T-shirt with a new FISU and IDUS logo.

In the opening ceremony of IDUS 2020 was attended by Mr. Kheruuga T., First vice president of MSSF, Mrs. Uyanga S., Secretary-General of Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO, Mr. Naranbaatar Ch., Vice president of NOC of Mongolia and Mr. Jargalsaikhan D., Secretary general of NUSF, Vice president of AUSF and Vice cair CIC FISU and MSSF EC board members, universities rectors, teachers and sports federation members.

The competition was very interesting and competitive. Thus, the results of the competition, Mongolian National Institute of Physical Education took 1st place with team results 1 hours 16 min, second place Mongolian National Defense University with team results 1 hours 18 min, Mongolian National University of Education with team results 1 hours 20 min was awarded third place.

Also “Avarga” Institute of Physical Education took 4th place, Gobi-Altai Medical School of the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences 5th place and "Mon-Altius" Physical Education Institute 6th place awarded honor diploma and money prize. Also NUSF Mongolia was awarded best man and woman student-athletes and coaches. All participants received a “Participation diploma” from MSSF, AUSF and FISU.

Congratulations to all countries, universities, student-athletes, teacher and coaches on International University Sports Day!

Course: Enkhnaran J. Mongolian Student Sports Federation