Монголын тухай
Mongolia is a landlocked country located in the Eastern Central Asia that borders Russia to the north and China to the south. Ulaanbaatar is the capital and largest city, home to about 45% of its entire population.
At 1,564,116 square kilometers (603,909 sq mi), Mongolia is the 19th largest and the most sparsely populated independent country in the world, with population of around 2.9 million people. It is also the world's second-largest landlocked country after Kazakhstan.
The country contains very little arable land, where most of it is covered by steppes, mountains to the north and west and the Gobi Desert on the south. Approximately 30% of the population is nomadic or semi-nomadic people. The predominant religion in Mongolia is Tibetan Buddhism, and the majority of the state's citizens are of Mongol ethnicity Khalkha population, whereas Kazakhs, Tuvans, and other minorities reside in the western part of the country.
Administrative division of Mongolia is divided into 21 aimags (provinces), which are in turn divided into 329 sums (districts). The capital Ulaanbaatar is administrated separately as a capital city (municipality) with provincial status.
Currency: Mongolian tugrug Population: 2.9 million President: Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj Government: Semi-presidential system, Parliamentary republic Official language: Mongolian language |